/ Documentation /Schema Type/The Difference: FAQ Schema Type & FAQ Schema Pro Block for Gutenberg

The Difference: FAQ Schema Type & FAQ Schema Pro Block for Gutenberg

Schema Pro already offers an option to add FAQ Schema Markup. And with version 2.2.0 the plugin is adding FAQ Schema Pro block for Gutenberg.

Now you might think why Schema Pro is adding FAQ block again?

So let’s understand the difference between both.

The Difference Between FAQ Schema Type & FAQ Schema Pro Block

FAQ Schema Type

Schema Pro plugin provides an option to add FAQ Schema Markup. This helps to add FAQ schema to your existing FAQ pages.

This schema does NOT appear in the front-end.

It just adds required FAQ schema to the code that can improve your FAQ page rankings in search results. It works like any other schema type offered by Schema Pro.

You can use any page builder to design your FAQ page and then add schema with this option. This way you can go creative with your page designs with your favorite page builder or any other plugins. You can keep the existing FAQ page design intact and add FAQ schema from the backend.

This is recommended for existing pages/post designed with any page builder.

Read more about how to add FAQ Schema Type here.

FAQ Schema Pro Block for Gutenberg

FAQ Schema Pro block lets you add a FAQ section on a page/post designed with Gutenberg editor. You get a ready-made structure to add questions and their answers with inbuilt schema support.

Content you put with this block will appear in the front-end and you can design it nicely with available customization options.

Along with a nice design and content, this adds FAQ schema automatically to page/post. No manual action needed to add schema to code.

This is useful when you are designing page/post in Gutenberg editor.


If you are using the FAQ Schema Pro block on the Gutenberg page and enabling FAQ schema with it, you do not need to use Schema Pro’s FAQ Schema Markup option.

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