/ Documentation /How to Disable Video Fields From the Recipe Schema Markup?

How to Disable Video Fields From the Recipe Schema Markup?

Let’s say the recipe page on your website does not have a recipe video, and you need to remove the video fields from the Recipe Schema Markup,

You can achieve the same using the filter provided below –

You will need to use the filter – wp_schema_pro_remove_video_markup_enabled to remove the video fields from the recipe schema’s markup.

For that, visit your child theme’s functions.php file, and add the following filter at the bottom of the file –

Filter: add_filter( ‘wp_schema_pro_remove_video_markup_enabled’, ‘custom_disable_vc_schema’, 10, 3 );
Description:  This filter is built to disable the video fields from the recipe schema markup

add_filter( 'wp_schema_pro_remove_video_markup_enabled', 'custom_disable_vc_schema', 10, 3 );
function custom_disable_vc_schema( $bool ) {
    return false;

After you add the filter, it will disable the video fields from Recipe’s Schema Markup!

Important Note: It is not a compulsory field, while you will see a warning in Google Structured Testing Tool. And it won’t affect your rich snippet anyhow.

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